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Serving at worship


How can you serve in worship?

There are many ways for you to serve the worship of Almighty God at Holy Comforter. If you’re interested in joining in one of these liturgical ministries, simply contact the rector:


Acolytes vest and serve the Priest at mass in various capacities during the

Eucharist, including carrying candles, the processional cross, incense, and

also assisting with the preparation of the Altar. Acolytes may also assist at

weddings and funerals.  They can also administer the Precious Blood from

the chalice during Holy Communion.


The Parish Chorale vests and sings at the 10:30am mass on Sundays, and for

other feast days, and special sung liturgies throughout the year. The Choir

sings the great hymns, anthems, chants, Mass settings, and other traditional

music of the Church. They rehearse  on Tuesday evenings and Sunday

mornings throughout the school year.


Lectors are an integral part of our worship, as these men and women read the lessons during the Sunday liturgy.  


Ushers arrive early to welcome parishioners, distribute bulletins, and provide assistance in seating. During the liturgy, Ushers take up the offering and guide congregant to the communion rail.


The Altar Guild serves to prepare the altar for

all masses. These faithful women also care for

the vestments, linens, candles, metalware, and

other items used in our worship. Guild mem-

bers serve on teams with a rotating schedule

of service duties such as ironing, polishing,

preparing candles, and setting up the

sanctuary for the Liturgy.

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